William (Echoes of Ossiria #1) Read online

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  I punched the wall, leaving a dent in the wood paneling.

  What a cock-up this is…

  After making herself presentable, Catherine walked to the foyer to join the other girls. One of them handed her the purse and coat she’d dropped. The driver was standing by the passenger door. I stood on the other side of the limo, at the front. There were six girls plus Alicia to sit in the back.

  In front of a building with a red door and small neon sign on a dark street, I gave instructions to the demon girls before letting them inside. “Remember, while you’re completing your course with us there will be no going home with any males you meet, and if you’re hung-over tomorrow you still have to be in class. Practice your skills, dance, and have a good time.”

  Catherine followed Alicia to the bar.

  I looked for a distraction.

  Chapter Ten

  I watched Catherine moving with abandon on the dance floor with some pretty-boy ponce, and went to find Alicia, then pulled her out of a booth in the back mid-sentence.

  “Hey! Hands off!”

  “Explain to me why Miss Mitchell is teasing the dick of some pillock on the dance floor. She was supposed to stay with you.”

  “She’s an adult, William. She can handle a dance or two. I’m in the middle of something!”

  “Not in a room full of demons!” I hissed. “In here, she’s bait.”

  “Then, if you’re so worried, you go tell her she can’t dance with the hot incubus.” Alicia started to walk away.

  I grabbed her arm and yanked her back. “You let her go off with an incubus?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Your fangs are showing.” She walked back to her table.

  I shook off my fangs and stomped off into the crowd, searching for Catherine. They were here a friggin’ minute ago… I was going to kill her if she left the building.

  I searched all of the common areas and came up empty.

  “Are there any private areas in the building?” I demanded of the bartender.

  “What’s it to you?”

  I slammed a hundred-pound note on the counter. “Private. Rooms. Where are they?”

  “Door at the end of the hall by the loo. Leads upstairs.”

  It took pounding down five doors before I found her.

  “God, what is your damage, William? Knock, much?” Catherine exclaimed.

  I looked her over in a second before yelling, “Do you have any idea what he is?”

  She rolled her eyes. “We were only talking. It was loud down there.”

  The incubus held up his hands. “Hey, no hard feelings, mate. Didn’t realize she was taken.”

  “I’m not,” Catherine said. “He’s my…chaperone,” she said, then turned to me. “Go away!”

  “Oh, gee, since you asked so nicely…no. He’s an incubus.”

  She blinked. “So?”

  “So, they seduce women, show them a good time, and then you’re having demon spawn burst out of your innards four weeks later like one of those things from the ‘Alien’ movies,” I said.

  “A chest-buster? You are seriously deranged, William.” To the incubus, she said, “I’m so sorry. He’s still not housebroken.”

  “You…two…seem to have some things to work out…” he said, and made a hasty retreat out of the room. Coward.

  Catherine threw her hands up in disgust. “Oh, that’s great! The one guy who’ll talk to me in this place and you chase him away. Thank you, William! This night has been so fun.” She grabbed her purse and jacket in a huff and made for the door, only to be yanked back by the arm. “Let. Go. Of. Me.”

  “No.” I slammed the door shut. “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t! I have nothing to say I haven’t already said.”

  “We kissed, Catherine.”

  “You kissed me.”

  “You kissed me back. Or did I imagine you wrapped around me with all four limbs, making all those delicious little sounds.”

  “A lapse in judgment. It won’t be repeated.”

  I stalked forward, stopping boot tip to boot tip. “So, only the heat of the argument, then? A bit of cold comfort?”

  “You kissed me when I had a stake at your heart. Question your own motives before you start in on mine.” She pushed past me and yanked the door open, her feet clomping loudly on the stairs a minute later.

  I stood the picture of tension, flexing my hands open and closed, grinding teeth. She’s drivin’ you bug-shaggin’ insane. Just let her go. It was nearing midnight when I went downstairs, rounded up the girls, and said we were leaving, much to their dismay.

  Catherine was over with Alicia, but I ignored her.

  The atmosphere between us couldn’t have been any colder during the drive back.

  Chapter Eleven

  Engrossed in the literature on my desk, I didn’t notice Alicia coming into my office until she was right in front of me. “She’s going to be gone soon,” she stated without preamble.

  “Who?” I asked, looking up.

  “You know who. Catherine! The one you want as an orgasm friend.”


  “Well, it’s true. Even the help have noticed.”

  “Beg pardon?”

  “Okay, they’ve noticed you’re distracted and easily agitated. You should have gotten laid last night.”

  It was the general idea. “What are you blathering on about?”

  She rolled her eyes. “If you don’t tell the girl what you want soon, you’re going to miss your chance.”

  “What I want.”

  “Yes, whatever the hell it is. I don’t know! None of my business…”

  “Then, you’re butting in because bloody why?”

  “Because… I haven’t had many friends…and I like my friends pleasant and satisfied. Not growling at me every time I walk into the room.”

  “Nothing personal,” I muttered.

  “I know. But seriously, go have sex. Do it soon!”

  I had to laugh. “I’ll take that under advisement, pet.”

  “Good! I’m going to go play with the money now.” Alicia breezed out as abruptly as she’d come in. She was nuts, but she did have a point.

  The longer I was around Catherine, the more I liked her, and that led to wanting things I shouldn’t, which wound me tighter than a drum. Personal time wasn’t cutting it, if you know what I mean. Yeah, vampires have high appetites, but this was ridiculous…I was old enough to control my urges. Normally. A century and a half of honing my skills and will power.

  What made this girl such a temptation?

  Chapter Twelve

  Wednesday, October 31st


  The chauffeur opened the door as Catherine and Alicia came out of the building. I stood, wearing a wool coat over my black tux. “Miss Mitchell. You look lovely this evening.”

  She nodded in acknowledgement. “Thank you, sir.” She handed her satchel to the chauffeur who placed it in the trunk, and offered her gloved hand to me. I kissed it, then helped her into the car.

  “Play nice, you two,” Alicia said cheerfully, then vanished.

  Once inside the car and moving along, we settled into awkward silence.

  Catherine finally asked what we were seeing.

  “’Classical Music for Halloween’. I kid you not. They’ve put together a ghost story to scary music, or something.”

  “Well, there are several works that fit in tone. Was Faust too expensive to produce? I’d think it would be perfect for Halloween. A moral tale warning against deals with the devil?”

  “I think Mephistopheles gets a bum rap in that one. Soddin’ humans screwed it up for themselves.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I take it you saw it after you were turned?”

  “Not the first time. Took my mum one year while I was still in university.”

  “Well, it’ll be nice to listen to music. I used to play the violin.”

  “Did you, now?”

  She nodded. “In elementar
y school. I was…competent. Always struggled with the fingering. I didn’t get very far with piano for the same reason.”

  “Your parents pushed you in the Arts?”

  “I wouldn’t say ‘pushed’. They encouraged us in all subjects. They both worked in education.”

  “Us? I thought you were an only child.”

  “Me and my foster brother. They placed him with another family when my parents were killed. My grandmother was willing to take him in, but Child Services thought two teenagers would be too much for her,” she said. “Did you have any siblings?”


  “Oh. What happened?”

  “She was kidnapped.”

  “That must have been hard for your family.”

  I shrugged. Subject for another time. “I got you something.” I fished into my pocket, pulling out a velvet box. “Alicia told me the color of your dress, so I thought these would suit it well.” Opened the jewelry box to reveal a choker of South Sea pearls.

  Catherine’s eyes widened to comic proportions. “Please tell me you didn’t buy this just for tonight!”

  I scoffed. “Oh, heaven’s no! They’re on loan. If you don’t want to wear it—”

  “No…they’re beautiful. I’d be honored. Um, will you help me?” She unclasped her cloak, letting it slip off her bare shoulders, and turned her back to me. God, all that soft skin…

  I took the necklace out of the box and unhooked the clasp, then draped it around her neck. “Is this too tight?”

  “It’s fine,” she said.

  I fastened the clasp on a link and withdrew. “Let’s see how it looks.” She straightened in her seat, angling to face me. The choker had two rows of black pearls in graduated sizes, the largest centered in the hollow of her throat. “Exquisite,” I said, looking into her eyes.

  A warm flush crept up her neck as she re-fastened the cloak.

  The car stopped at the venue. I exited first, then held my hand out for her. “Milady.”

  “Thank you.” She looked around at the other arrivals, most of them middle-aged or elderly couples dressed to the nines. “Is it always this formal?”

  Nothing like my Victorian days. I waved it off. “It’s a thing. There’s the concert, and the party, and a charity auction…an excuse to play ‘Who’s got the biggest checkbook’. You’ll probably see a few Hollywood types, too.”

  “Oh. How’d you get in, then?”

  I smirked. “I have my sources.” We walked inside and reached the coat check. I stopped and looked at her expectantly.

  “Oh…yes…” Catherine set her purse on the counter and took off the cloak, passing it carefully to the clerk, who handed her a numbered ticket.

  “Sir?” he said, nodding to my coat.

  “I’m fine, mate.” I turned to her and released a low-pitched whistle. “Well worth the wait, love. Remind me to tip your dressmaker.” Gorgeous. I took in every inch, and made a mental note to give Alicia a raise for getting Catherine into that dress.

  “Yes, fine. Can we find our seats, please?”

  I winked, and offered my arm. She accepted, but wouldn’t look at me.

  There were whispers in the halls as we headed up to the box. We were a striking couple tonight and the envy of all. I soaked up the attention. Been a long time since I could walk openly in public. When we reached our box, I guided her to the front seat and took off my coat, laying it on the seat next to me.

  “That thing’s precious to you, huh?”

  “Killed someone for it,” I said, unashamed.

  “Very funny.”

  “I spent over a century taking what I wanted, Catherine.” We were high above the orchestra, but could see the entire stage. “Would you like a pair of those little optics?”

  “Oh, opera glasses? No, it’s not necessary. Thank you.” She smoothed her dress under her and carefully sat down. “Are you going to do that all night?” she quietly snapped.


  She glared at me. “Stare at my breasts. I can feel it.”

  “Hey, you chose the dress, kitten. I’m only a man.”

  “You…! God, you’re insufferable!”

  “And you’re even prettier when you’re angry,” I countered, eyes flicking down to her heaving bosom.

  She made a sound of disgust and stood to move to another seat. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back down. “Careful, pet. I didn’t want to alarm you, but there’s every possibility Tallis has someone watching you tonight. Might want to think about how you behave.”

  “You told him we’d be here?”

  “He did say he’d check in on your progress, and this was the nearest event I could book to test your training. Maybe they won’t watch you up here, but there will definitely be someone at the party. Whose side do you want to be on at the end of the night?”

  Her eyes narrowed into angry slits. “I hate you,” she whispered.

  “Maybe. But you need me. We all have our crosses to bear. So, be a good girl, hmm?”

  She nodded. I let go, and she leaned back in her seat, tears pricking her eyes.

  I took no satisfaction in smelling the salt of her tears, but the warning was necessary. For one, there could be a spy out there tonight, though I hadn’t talked directly to Tallis since the night he dropped Catherine in my lap. For another, I suspected there was a plan whirring about that sharp brain of hers, and she needed to be on top form to execute it. It was best for both of us if I didn’t make it easy for her to go.

  I would tell any lie I had to if it kept her safe.

  Catherine began to relax once the house lights went down and the music started.

  She glanced at me occasionally. Though my eyes were on the stage, I was aware of everything, especially her.

  Intermission arrived.

  “I’m going to make a trip to the ladies’ room,” she said.

  “Don’t get lost,” I said with good humor.

  “Ha, ha.”

  She was gone the whole period.

  “What took you so long?” I asked as she sat down.

  “Women in formal wear in a bathroom. You do the math. It’s not easy keeping your dress out of the bowl or not stepped on. And then, there’s the line.”

  “I get the picture,” I said, and chuckled. “I could get you to the front next time you have to visit the loo.”

  “That’s okay, William.”

  The lights dimmed once more.

  “For the second part of the evening, there will be a reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s A Tell-Tale Heart, accompanied by the orchestra.”

  “Oh, I love Poe’s stories! I had some in a set of children’s horror books my father gave me. I read them many times.”

  “Wouldn’t have taken you for a fan of Gothic fiction.”

  “I don’t know about that…only Poe. And The Count of Monte Cristo. It was very different stuff from the typical Disney fairytales. I had a book of Grimm’s tales, too.”

  “Baby has a dark side.”

  “Oh, hush…”

  I watched and waited for just the right…suspenseful…moment, and grabbed her arm. She levitated off her seat, gasping, and smacked my arm.

  “Don’t do that!” she whispered.

  “But it’s fun.”


  “Uh, yeah. Vampire.”

  “Jerk,” she said, smiling.

  My hand still on her arm, I trailed my fingers along her skin, goose bumps rising up in their wake. “I’m sorry for pissing you off earlier.”

  “Thought vampires didn’t do apologies.”

  I smiled. “Not often. So take it while it counts. I’d rather see you smile.”

  “Going soft on me now?” she teased.

  “Quite the opposite.”


  I looked down at her fingers, tracing the veins. “I’m glad you took the gloves off.” My finger trailed from the valley between her ring and middle-finger knuckles up to her shoulder, eyes following the course to her neck
. “You’ve been turning every head tonight, you know that? No, I bet you haven’t even realized…”


  “I don’t want to turn you over to him,” I added with conviction. It was said quietly, and I was still looking over her shoulder, but I was serious.

  “Then don’t,” she whispered.

  My gaze flicked from her eyes to her lips and back again. She held her breath. I leaned in those few inches, pausing just shy of kissing her to give her a chance to bolt. She was still frozen.

  I closed the gap, my kiss gentle and achingly slow, holding myself back for her benefit. My hand rested on the knob of her spine at the base of her neck. It was a short kiss, maybe thirty seconds. We were touching foreheads, breathing in each other’s breath.

  “Wanna get out of here?” I asked. Please say yes.

  “We should see the night through,” she said, her voice kind.

  I nodded and sat up straight, turning attention forward. She placed her left hand on my right where it sat on the armrest. I looked at her in surprise, but she was facing the stage.

  The performance had been well received and people were leaving in a good mood. Those without other plans were heading for the party.

  We walked side-by-side, my hand on her back, my thumb brushing the bare skin between the laces of her dress.

  The meeting space had been transformed into an elegant ballroom, with champagne fountains and hors d’oeuvres no one could pronounce. A three-piece band was already playing at one end of the room. A few couples were swaying to the music.

  “Do you actually know anyone here?” she whispered.

  “Don’t know. We just walked in the door, love,” I said, teasing. I steered her over to the refreshments. “Champagne?”

  “I’m underage,” she hissed.

  “Not in England. Drinkin’ age is eighteen.” I handed her a flute. “Sip it slowly. Most birds like the stuff.”

  “I’m more interested in dinner,” she grumbled.

  I winked and dropped a strawberry in her glass.

  She followed me around the room while I surveyed the crowd. People noticed us.

  Natural predator that I was, I assessed every being in the vicinity and held their attention.